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Project Title:

Designing Effective Grievance Redress for Constrained Users of UPI Applications

The aim of this research project is to enhance the user experience of grievance redressal in digital financial services, with a specific focus on digital payments, starting with the Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

The project seeks to delve into the interactions of constrained and new-to-UPI user groups with in-app GRMs in UPI applications. By conducting in-depth interviews with users such as street vendors, small traders, tea shop owners, gig and migrant workers, and women not employed in these specific roles, the study aims to identify challenges and opportunities for design improvements. 

Key Goals

User Interaction Exploration

  • Delve into the interactions of constrained and new-to-UPI user groups (including women, migrant workers, and gig workers) with in-app Grievance Redressal Mechanisms (GRMs) in UPI applications.  

Bottleneck Identification

  • Uncover bottlenecks in the user journey, spanning from the initiation of a grievance to its resolution.

  • Validate observations derived from a meticulous review of the customer redress journey within in-app GRMs in UPI applications.

Role & Responsibilities

User Moderations

  • Conducted 18 interviews in challenging environments, directly engaging users in their own spaces, and addressing digital proficiency and language barriers.

  • Managed diverse participant recruitment.

UX Operations

  • Orchestrated logistics, scheduling, and participant coordination.

Data Analysis

  • Led thematic analysis, providing insights along user journey stages.

  • Transcribed and organised qualitative data.

Usability Recommendations

  • Contributed to crafting the Usability Report, offering actionable insights for enhancing user experiences.

Research Methodology

Ethnographic Interviews

In this phase, the I had engaged participants through semi-structured, one-on-one interviews conducted in Hindi, Telugu, and Gujarati language. The interviews were strategically designed to explore the following critical areas:

User’s Background, Preferences, and Habits Related to UPI

  • Explored participants' backgrounds, preferences, and habits concerning their use of UPI.

Nature of UPI-Related Grievances

  • Investigated the specific nature of UPI-related grievances such as faced delays in fund transfers, encountered errors during transactions, or experienced difficulties in linking their bank accounts etc. experienced by users.

 Reactions and Mental Models at the Time of Occurrence

  • Understood users' reactions such as frustration, confusion, or concern, as well as the immediate actions users took and mental models ( how users conceptualised and understood the processes, interfaces, and functionalities of UPI applications when issues occurred )  at the time of the occurrence of UPI-related grievances.

User Attempts to Resolve/Navigate Grievances

  • Examined how users attempted to resolve or navigate UPI-related grievances.

Barriers to Resolution

  • Identified barriers faced by users in obtaining resolution, whether related to their mental models, expectations, or the user experience of the redressal interface.

Language of Administration

The interviews were conducted in Hindi, Telugu, or Gujarati to ensure effective communication with participants, respecting their linguistic preferences. This approach aims to minimise language barriers and enhance the depth of insights gathered during the interviews.

Analysis Methodology

Thematic Analysis within User Journey Stages

( To identify and analyse recurring themes and patterns at each stage of the user journey )


  • Break down transcriptions according to the identified 7 stages of the user journey.

  • Apply thematic analysis within each stage to uncover insights, pain points, and user behaviours specific to that stage.

User Journey Mapping

( To visualise and understand the holistic user journey
from start to finish) 


  • Use the insights from each stage to create a visual representation of the user journey.

  • Highlight key touchpoints, pain points, and moments of user interaction.

  • Understand the flow of the user's experience and potential areas for improvement.

Extracting System Design Insights

( To identify insights that inform the design and functionality of the system)


  • Look for themes and patterns related to system-level features, functionalities, and user interactions.

  • Understand how users interact with the system at different stages and extract insights that inform potential design enhancements.

Extracting Product Principles Insights

( Derive principles and guidelines for the overall product based on user insights)


  • Synthesise overarching insights from the user journey and thematic analysis.

  • Extract principles that can guide the design, development, and improvement of the entire product.

  • Ensure that product principles align with user needs and expectations at each stage of the journey.

Reflective Section:
Mad, Sad, Glad Retrospective

Challenges faced 

User Recruitment Challenges : 

  • The process of finding users with UPI complaints in the remotest areas posed significant challenges, impacting the project timeline. 

Insufficient User Screening

  • The lack of a well-defined user screening process initially resulted in participant de-selection during on-field interviews, introducing complexity and impacting overall session efficiency.


Difficult Moments

Audio Recording and Screen Mirroring Limitations

  • While conducting interviews, the need for a walkthrough of the UPI app's GRM presented a technical challenge. In the absence of screen mirroring, i had to resort to recording their screens using another phone camera. This workaround, although effective, added an extra layer of complexity to the data collection process 


Happy movements

Successful "Interpreter Bias" Mitigation 

Efficient Communication & Collaboration with Stakeholders 

Adapting to Interview Settings

  • Despite challenges, conducting interviews on users' business or residential premises was handled adeptly, allowing for a more authentic understanding of user experiences.

Successful Project Delivery & deliverables

Value and Takeaways

Embracing Adaptability

  • The challenges faced during user recruitment in remote areas underscored the importance of adaptability. Being flexible in my approach and employing creative problem-solving allowed me to overcome unexpected hurdles, reinforcing the significance of adaptability in diverse research settings.

Continuous Improvement in Screening Processes 

  • The absence of a well-defined user screening process initially impacted efficiency. This experience highlighted the crucial role of robust screening methodologies.

Enhancing Cross-Cultural Communication

  • The moments of frustration that came with language barriers underlined the need for improved intercultural communication strategies. The experience has revealed the critical importance of clear preinterview instructions , particularly when working with interpreters. 

Resourcefulness in Data Collection

  • The value of resourcefulness was shown by the technical challenge to capture a GRM from an UPI app without screen mirroring. In the face of technological limitations, alternative methods such as recording screens with a secondary equipment have proven to be effective. To respond to unexpected technical limitations, this resourceful capacity can be used in other projects.

Real-World Interview Environments

  • Conducting interviews on users' premises, despite distractions, provided a more authentic understanding of their experiences. This approach highlighted the value of observing users in their natural settings, contributing to richer insights and a more holistic understanding of user behaviours.


In conclusion, the in-depth analysis of user journeys has unveiled critical insights into user experiences with the UPI Grievance Redressal Mechanism. By systematically dissecting the transcriptions across the seven stages, I have identified pain points, behaviours, and aspirations that form the foundation for meaningful enhancements.

The journey mapping exercise provides a holistic view, paving the way for informed decision-making in the design phase currently underway.

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